Designer Exterior
The beautiful new cabinetry is bespoke; it has new textures, proportions, and finishing touches previously unseen in the category. Lower, sleeker cabinetry borrows proportions drawn from our new Reference models. Over the years, our experiments have established that this results in a faster, deeper presentation of bass—all while looking smashing. Your eye is immediately drawn to the top panel, whose entire surface finished in 5 coats of hand-polished piano black lacquer. A discreet REL logo floats within the top layer of lacquer whilst the body of the cabinet is clad in horizontally streaked, line-grained composite. The entire affair looks expensive, bespoke, and tastefully restrained. Additionally, you can stylishly combine it with either Serie T/x or Serie S in large, fully-immersive REL HT/3D™ setups.*